Home > Georgia B&Bs > Cumberland Island Bed and Breakfast Inns
Cumberland Island Bed and Breakfast Inns
Cumberland Island Bed and Breakfast Inns
Cumberland Island bed and breakfast travel guide for romantic, historic and adventure b&b's. Browse through the iLoveInns.com database of Cumberland Island, Georgia bed and breakfasts and country inns to find detailed listings that include room rates, special deals and area activities. You can click on the 'check rates and availability' button to contact the innkeeper.Georgia's coastal area is full of amazing sights and Cumberland Island happens to be one of the best. The island boasts of a rich eco-system that is nearly untouched by human civilization. Cumberland Island is not very far and is very accessible by way of ferry from St. Mary's, on the mainland. Visitors can expect to have great accommodations at Cumberland Island bed and breakfast inns and make these starting points for trips around the island. Be sure to explore Cumberland Island National Seashore to see marine and other wildlife in their most natural conditions including the wild ponies. A historic site not to be missed on Cumberland Island is Plum Orchard Mansion. By Greyfield Inn.
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