If You are Featured in Bed & Breakfast and Country Inns Guide Book
Make Extra Money by Posting Links to B&B Book - $10-$20
Make Extra Money by Posting Links to the B&B Bookstore - $10 to $20 per Order
We share revenue with Amazon, Borders, Barnes and Nobel and all the other stores that feature Bed & Breakfast and Country Inns with the Buy-One-Night-Get-the-Second Night Free certificate inside. Libraries and stores get 40% or more off of the price of the book which sells for $24.95.
You are featured in the program and we need your help to excite potential travelers to take a trip. In the old days when people had never been to a B&B, this book gave them the extra incentive - a free second night - to take the plunge. It is still doing the same thing.
But to get to the folks who are "thinking" about trying a bed and breakfast we need your help. And as a staff member pointed out, why not share the revenue from the books with innkeepers. So we decided instead of 10% per book like most affiliate items, why not give a flat $10 for each book to the innkeepers who feature the book.
How to Sign Up as an Affiliate and Start Earning Income from the iLoveInns.com Store
1. Go to the affiliate page: All you have to do is become an affiliate book seller by signing up here.
2. As soon as it's approved, we will send you a handsome photo and link. You will add it to your website and possibly newsletter. When someone clicks through and orders a book, it immediately identifies your inn for the commission.
3. Each time there's an order you'll be earning $10 per book. Our average sale is for 2 books which would give you a $20 commission and at Christmas shopping time, orders can come through for 10 books at a time!
We would absolutely love to have you as a mini-bookstore, you the creative, smart, tireless innkeepers who are featured in the book!
And in light of the economy -- now is the most important time for us to widen distribution so more people have this book in their hands. A handsome B&B book just sitting on a coffee table or shared at the office reminds folks that B&Bs are THE way to get the biggest bang for their travel dollar.
Book owners tell us they use the book again and again, long after they have used the certificate.
Email dsakach@iloveinns.com if you'd like us to customize a link for your commissions on B&B books. Remember this is your book, if you are an iLoveInns member. Travelers keep these for years and years as an additional aid to finding inns.
Give Your Guests a Reason to Come Back in the Off-Season
Most innkeepers we know send a "thank you for staying with us" note. It's simple to add a sentence with a link to the book. If they order, you will receive $10 each for the Bed & Breakfast and Country Inns book.
Sample Sentence to Add in Newsletters or on Your Website:
"If you'd like to re-visit us in the off-season at a great rate, consider ordering America's best-selling B&B book. In it is a Buy-One-Night-Get-the-Second-Night Free certificate we hope you will use to enjoy a little rejuvenating road trip. Click here. "
Last week I attended a local outdoor concert in the village of San Juan Capistrano by the famous Mission and met two Bed & Breakfast fans who had used our book and the program you are in. They were sisters and had the opportunity to use the Buy-One-Night-Get-One-Night books 17 years ago!!. They took an 8-day trip to the Northeast using four books. As these two sisters recalled the inns they had visited, they became extremely animated! They told me they had a fabulous time at B&Bs in Kennebunkport, Boston, Salem and Martha's Vineyard and they were so thankful. They are still talking about it and have visited many inns since then!
This is one of the many values of the book & program - creating and keeping B&B fans.
Deborah and staff at iLoveInns.com
Best Web site--2008 Gold Medal Award winner, Innkeeping.org
Best B&B Site, Yahoo Internet Magazine
Rated 5 Stars by INNSTAR
American Historic Inns, Inc.
PO Box 669 Dana Point, CA 92669
800-397-INNS (4667)
Fax 949-481-3796