Home > Tennessee B&Bs > Bell Buckle Bed and Breakfast Inns
Bell Buckle Bed and Breakfast Inns
Candleshoe Bed & Breakfast Bell Buckle, TN |
Arrowlet Bed and Breakfast Bell Buckle, TN |
The Walker Inn Bell Buckle, TN |
Spring House B&B Our records show that this inn is closed. Bell Buckle, TN |
Bed and breakfast inns near Bell Buckle
Candleshoe Bed & Breakfast |
Arrowlet Bed and Breakfast |
The Walker Inn |
Spring House B&B |
Bed and breakfast inns near Bell Buckle
Bell Buckle Bed and Breakfast Inns
Bell Buckle bed and breakfast travel guide for romantic, historic and adventure b&b's. Browse through the iLoveInns.com database of Bell Buckle, Tennessee bed and breakfasts and country inns to find detailed listings that include room rates, special deals and area activities. You can click on the 'check rates and availability' button to contact the innkeeper.Established in 1852, the village of Bell Buckle was once a bustling trade area between Nashville and Chattanooga. The town experienced immense hardship during the great depression and it wasn't until the 1960's that a renewed interest in the town as an arts&crafts hub enabled its preservation through to current times. Seemingly frozen in time, Bell Buckle is scattered with beautifully restored vintage homes, and the downtown area is a strip of locally owned artisan and antique shops and cafes serving up delicious meals and other tasty treats. The travelers that do not get enraptured in the quaint appeal of the town itself often find themselves involved in the several other attractions in the area: the famous Jack Daniel's distillery, the renowned Webb School, the Stones River National Battlefield, inspirational hiking trails in Sewanee, and don't forget Music City, only an hour's drive away. Not mention all the events: the Arts & Crafts Festival, the Walking Horse Celebration, the RC Cola & Moonpie Festival, Jack Daniel's BBQ Cookoff, Bonnaroo and others. You'll have to experience yourself why travelers are drawn to Bell Buckle time after time. By The Walker Inn.
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