Hotel Hell Application Form 

Section 1: The Hotel



Owner Name:

Name of Hotel / Resort / Inn:



Owner Email:

Hotel / Resort / Inn Email:

Hotel / Resort / Inn Website:

Type of Hotel (Hotel, Inn, Resort, Boutique, All Suite, Casino):

Number of Owners:

Number of Working Partners:

Do you have any Silent Partners or Investors? If so, please list and describe their role with the hotel:


Number of Employees:
Part Time: _____________ Full Time: _______________

How long have you been open? List exact date.

Is it a family-owned and family run business?

Do you have a current business license? YES / NO

Federal ID # of Corporation, if any:

The Name of any parent companies, DBA’s, etc.:

Investor’s Name, Company Name and Phone Number(s):

Do you own the building/property?
If not please list below the landlord’s name(s), address(es), and telephone number(s):

[By listing the information above you are giving us permission to contact them.] 



List all types of insurance (fire, building, theft, equipment, etc.):

Hours of Hotel / Resort / Inn operation (include holidays).

When are you closed? ______________________ Front desk open 24/7? _______

Size of property (sq. ft.):

Describe the Location/Surrounding Area (urban, airport, suburban, small metro/town, resort, interstate/motorway):

How many floors? ________How many elevators? _________How many rooms? ______Occupancy rate?

Describe your peak season and low season, include dates:

What is your ADR?

Weekday ADR ______ Weekend ADR ______ Peak Season ADR ______ Low Season ADR _______ Do you have parking? If so, describe the size/amount:

Do you charge for parking?

Can you accommodate large vehicles? (RV parking, big trucks, bikes, Campers, etc.):

Do you provide valet parking for guests? What do you charge?

Do you provide shuttle services? Describe.

To local transportation hubs (i.e., airport, train station, etc.):

To local attractions (If so, which ones?):

What local attractions bring visitors to the area or to your business?

Do you use local attractions to advertise or work with you in promoting your business? Please list.

Are there any dates between April 22, 2013 – July 15, 2013 that you are unavailable for filming? Please list and describe:



Are there any schedule or booking conflicts for the hotel between April 22, 2013 – July 15, 2013 that are not possible for filming at the hotel / inn / resort? If so, please describe and provide dates.

What is your Hotel / Resort / Inn unique selling point? Be specific.

What is the best thing about your location? Be descriptive.

List five things the Hotel / Resort / Inn needs help with (management, employees, customers, locations, reservation system - be descriptive):

What is your long-term goal/vision or dream for your Hotel / Resort / Inn?

Section 2: Rooms & Reservations

What are the check in and check out times?

Describe your rooms, including rates (standard, double, queen, king, suites):

Themed rooms? Describe:


What other types of rooms do you have for booking on-site? Provide the rates for these spaces (conference/meeting rooms, private dining, banquets).

Is there AC/Heat in all of your rooms?

Do you offer upgrades? YES / NO Do you have an online reservation system? YES / NO Please list all online reservation systems used:

List discounts you offer (AAA, other discount programs)

How can people reserve a room with you? (call in, 800 number, internet) What forms of payment do you accept?

Are you listed on any booking websites? (Orbitz,, etc.) Please list.

What is your marketing/social network plan? (Twitter, Facebook, Groupons, Living Social, etc.)

Where else do you advertise? (publications, emails, TV, internet, etc.)

Describe the type of guests that stay at your Hotel / Resort / Inn.

Who are your desired guests? Why are you not reaching them?

Do you get repeat guests? Describe.

Do you have a loyalty program for frequent guests? If so, please describe:


Do you keep an ongoing relationship with previous guests? What methods do you use to keep in touch and how often?

Do you hold any annual events or reoccurring events at the hotel, or in any of the function rooms? If so, please describe.

Section 3: Food and Beverage

Do you have an on-site full service restaurant? Describe the cuisine and décor . Please provide menu.

How many does your restaurant seat?

Where is the kitchen located? (main floor, basement, etc.)

Do you have a liquor license?  YES    NO

Bar in Hotel / Resort / Inn?   YES   NO   Hours of operation of restaurant and bar:________________

How often are you at the restaurant?

Who creates the menu?

In your restaurant, what is more important: taste or presentation?

Do you offer room service? YES  NO

Please describe the process, hours, provide menu and charges.

Do you offer breakfast for your guests? YES  NO    Is it included in the room rate, or is there an additional charge?

What other food and beverage options are close by your property for guests?

Any delivery options?

Do you have a place to purchase snacks/gift shop on-site? Coffee? Hours? Describe:

Are there snacks/mini bar in the rooms?  YES  NO  Describe:

Section 4: Amenities

Please circle which amenities that you have on-site?


Please list any other amenities you may have on-site that are not listed above.

What are the hours of operation for all of the amenities you provide?


Please circle which in-room amenities that you have on-site?






Please list any other guest in-room specialty amenities you may have that are not listed above. (For example, down comforters, Sleep Number Mattresses, Special toiletries or linens)

Section 6: Housekeeping and Maintenance

Describe how housekeeping is run. Who is in charge of overseeing the housekeeping department?




Do you own laundry on-site? YES  NO  Where? If not, where do you wash linens?

How many cleaning staff do you have? ______How often are rooms cleaned?_________

How long does it take to turn over a room? _______ Describe routine for cleaning each room:

Is there a checklist housekeeping staff must follow? YES  NO  Who does the maintenance for the Hotel / Resort / Inn? __________________ How quickly are things fixed?

What is the approximate annual cost of maintenance?

SECTION 7: The Owner – Each owner must fill out section 7 below.

(If there are more than 2 owners, please complete their information on an additional page.) Name of owner #1:

Home address:

City, State, Zip Code:

Home phone number: (_______)

Work phone number: (_______)

Mobile phone number:(_______)

Please indicate the best number you can be reached at (i.e., mobile):

E-mail Address:

Circle One: Male / Female

Height: _______________

Age: ____________ Date of Birth: _____________________ Weight: ________________

Eye Color: _____________

Hair Color: ____________

Social Security #: _______-______-_______

Drivers License #: ______________________________ State of Issue: _________________________ Are you a U.S. citizen or a permanent legal U.S. resident?

If not, list your current residency status:


Highest level of education – List school(s), date(s) you attended and graduation date(s) if applicable.

Hospitality Education – List school(s), date(s) you attended and graduation date(s), if applicable.

When did you take ownership of the business? Please provide exact date:

Name of owner #2:

Home address:

City, State, Zip Code:

Home phone number: (_______)

Work phone number: (_______)

Mobile phone number:(_______)

Please indicate the best number you can be reached at (i.e., mobile): E-mail Address:

Circle One: Male / Female

Height: _______________

Hair Color: ____________

Social Security #: _______-______-_______

Drivers License #: ______________________________ State of Issue: ________________________ Are you a U.S. citizen or a permanent legal U.S. resident? ___________________________________ If not, list your current residency status: __________________________________________________ Highest level of education – List school(s), date(s) you attended and graduation date(s) if applicable.

Age: ____________ Date of Birth: ________________________ Weight: ________________

Eye Color: _____________

Hospitality Education – List school(s), date(s) you attended and graduation date(s), if applicable.

When did you take ownership of the business? Please provide exact date.

Continuation of questions for the owner filling in this application...

How many Hotels / Resorts / Inns do you own / have you owned? List names, locations, and dates.

Why should Gordon Ramsay’s team of experts pick you and your business? Give history, your passion and your motivation for keeping your business alive and getting to the next level of success:

List your employees including their names, duties, and titles:

Do you feel like your supervisors/managers do their jobs? How could they improve?

Do you allow staff to sleep at Hotel / Resort / Inn?


How would your employees describe you? Be specific.

What is your employee turnover rate and why?

Do you live on-site? YES / NO If not, how far away do you live from the hotel?

How often are you at your business? Break down how much time do you spend at your Hotel / Resort / Inn and how much time you spend at the restaurant:

Describe a list of your day-to-day duties in the hotel:

Where did you learn how to run a Hotel / Resort / Inn? (school, self taught, family business, etc.)

Do you have a favorite Hotel / Resort / Inn, besides your own?

What are your strengths as a Hotel / Resort / Inn owner?

What are your weaknesses as a Hotel / Resort / Inn owner?

What are your biggest daily challenges?

What would it take to make your business better? Be detailed.

Who is your biggest competitor and why?

Section 8: Lifestyle/Personal

Are you fluent in any other language besides English?

List a few hobbies, interests, activities or sports you enjoy doing?

Describe what pressure means to you:

Describe your style of work and how you perform on a deadline:

Do you consider yourself a competitive person and why or why not?

How would your family describe you?

How do you react to criticism?

Are you a “yes” man/woman?

What are you most passionate about in life?

What is the accomplishment of which you are most proud?

Do you have any special talents? If so, what are they?

Is there anything about your life that you would NOT want to be made public on TV?

Explain the most life-changing event you have been through:

Why do you want to participate in Hotel Hell?

Who are your role models or heroes and why?


Section 9: Other

Have you ever been arrested, detained, or convicted of a felony or misdemeanor offense either as a juvenile or as an adult? If so, please provide details and dates:

Are you involved in any past and/or pending litigation or have any pending court dates? If so, please explain:

Have you ever had a restraining order placed against you? If so, please provide details and dates:

Are you a member of any professional performing arts unions (SAG, AFTRA, AGMA, AEA, etc.)?

Section 10: Family

Current marital status (circle one): Single (Married) How many times?

Not married, but living with significant other

Dating Married How long? How long?

Separated Widowed Divorced

How long? How long? How long?

Do you have any children? If so, list their names, ages, and whether any of them work at the Hotel / Resort / Inn:

Section 11: Medical

Do you currently have Medical Insurance?

Medical Insurance Provider:

Do you provide Medical Insurance for your employees?

Medical Insurance Provider:

Have you ever had any significant physical, mental or medical conditions?


If you have any physical limitations, would you be able to perform the essential functions required to participate in the program if given reasonable accommodations? (i.e. wheelchair ramp, etc.) If accommodations are required, please describe:

Have you ever been treated for any serious physical or mental illness within the last 5 years? If so, please describe in detail, indicating dates, diagnosis and any on-going treatments, prescription medicines or difficulties:

Have you ever been treated for depression? If so, please explain the circumstance and what types of treatment(s) you’ve had (if any):

Please list any allergies you have and your current treatment for them:

Do you smoke? If yes, how much?

Do you drink alcohol? If yes, how much?

Have you ever had problems with alcoholism or any other drug-related addiction? If so, please provide more details including how long you’ve been in recovery, if that’s the case:

Have you participated in any type of 12-step program or support group? If so, which one(s)?

List all medications you are currently taking and why you are taking them:

Explain, in detail, any surgeries you’ve had in the past 5 years:


Section 12: Eligibility

Are you a legal U.S. citizen or permanent legal U.S. resident? YES / NO

Listed below are all the people I know (including myself), to the best of my knowledge, who are now, or have been in the past two (2) years, an officer, director, employee, agent or representative of:

(a) Rumpole, Inc., One Potato Two Potato, Inc. Optomen Television Limited, Fox Broadcasting Company, or any of their respective licensees, assigns, parent, subsidiary and affiliated entitles, or affiliated or subsidiary companies, or any division or agent of any of them;

(b) Any television station or channel, cable network, or satellite network that may air the Program;

(c) Any person or entity involved in the development, production, distribution or other exploitation of the Program or any variation thereof;

(d) Any sponsor of the Program or its advertising agency;

(e) Any person or entity supplying prizes or other services to the Program.

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________

Are you a candidate for public office and or do you have plans to become a candidate within the next two (2) years? YES / NO

Have you appeared as a participant on any other “reality” television shows? List of show(s) if any:

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________

Have you applied for any other “reality” television shows? List of show(s) if any:

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________



I hereby certify that all statements made in this application are true and complete. I understand that if any of the disclosures made by me on this application are false, this will be cause for disqualification of my consideration for this program (“Program”).

For good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, I further acknowledge and accept that this application form and any other materials (including, but not limited to, photographs, and videotapes) I have submitted or will submit to Rumpole, Inc., will become the sole and exclusive property of Rumpole, Inc. and will not be returned to me. I understand that as the owner of this material, Rumpole, Inc., shall have the right to edit, distribute and exploit the material submitted in any manner in their sole discretion but shall have no obligation to do so. By signing below, I grant to Rumpole, Inc. the right to use any biographical information contained in this application, my home video or taped interview, and to record, use, and publicize my home videotape or taped interview, voice, actions, likeness and appearance in any manner in connection with this Program.

I hereby release and indemnify Rumpole, Inc., One Potato Two Potato, Inc., Optomen Television Limited and Fox Broadcasting Company and all of their respective licensees, assigns, successors, parents, affiliated and subsidiary companies, divisions, and joint ventures as well as their employees, officers, directors and agents (collectively, the “Released Parties”) from any and all claims or demands of every kind that I or any third party may now or hereafter have against the Released Parties in connection with my application to appear in the Program and the exploitation of any and all materials I have submitted in connection therewith, or any exercise by any or all of the Released Parties of any of the rights I am granting hereunder, or any other matter contained herein, including, but not limited to, any claims for defamation, violation of rights of privacy and/or publicity, negligence, and/or intentional infliction of emotional distress.

I expressly understand and agree that my rights and remedies against Rumpole, Inc. or any of the Released Parties shall be limited to the right, if any, to recover money damages in an action at law, and that I shall not be entitled to terminate or rescind this application or any of the rights or privileges I have granted herein to Rumpole, Inc. and its licensees, successors and assigns, or to enjoin or restrain or otherwise interfere with the development, production, telecast, exhibition, distribution, advertising or other exploitation of the Program, or any part thereof, or any rights therein or herein.

I agree to keep in strictest confidence and to not use or disclose to any party any information or trade secrets obtained or learned as a result of this questionnaire, application, selection process or participation in the program (as applicable), including, without limitation, any information concerning or relating to the program, the events contained in the program, Rumpole, Inc.’s or the network’s production activities relating to the program or the outcome of the program that I read, hear or otherwise acquire or learn in connection with or as a result of this questionnaire, application, selection process or participation in the program (as applicable) (collectively, the “Confidential Information and Materials”) regardless of whether an episode of the program has been exhibited which may include some or all of the Confidential Information and Materials, without the express prior written consent of a duly authorized representative of Rumpole, Inc.

In connection with my possible participation in the Program, I hereby agree to execute any waivers and release agreements, including but not limited to, a long-form participant agreement, and any other agreements as required by the Producer or the Network or any of their licensees, successors or assigns. I am willing to submit, authorize and undergo medical, psychological and background investigation as part of the selection process.

Date: ___________________________

Signature: ______________________________________________ Print Name: _____________________________________________