Instant Income, Now Is Not The Time To Be Invisible, How to Sell Gift Certificates

Camellia Inn

Camellia Inn

Guests Want to Help

Sending Newsletters Brings Instant Funds

This week a California Inn sent our staff these 2 notes:

Sold $700 – “You just sent out an email newsletter for us 2 hours ago telling our guests we were closed but were selling gift certificates. We have sold $700 in Gift Certificates already just from 2 people!!!

Yippee! Just sold $2000 in Gift Certificates! This is the same innkeeper above. She sent this note to us this morning 24 hours after sending out her email newsletter. Can we add one line that says – paid gift certificates never expire to the re-send you are doing? Up to over $2000 sold. Yippee!!!

Now is the perfect time to send well crafted, best practice newsletters – the kind that get results.

Contact DRingler today for the new iLoveInns 4 Newsletters for $500 special with a free template.

Tell Me About Your Newsletter Special


Direct Bookings

Now Is Not the Time To Be Invisible

Anything online right now will be consumed more than ever before and it’s not the time to become invisible and hope for the best.

Maintain visibility in front of your guests and you will set your business up for success in the second half of 2020.

The best way? There’s no better tool to get you there than newsletters with great content. And because most of your list is made of guests who already know you, they will want to know what’s up.

I still am amazed that people will excitedly tell me about an inn they visited as if it was last month but it was actually 10 or 20 years ago! The experience is still fresh in their minds. They are more connected to you than you are to them. They ate at your table. Slept in your beds.

So when they get your newsletters they recall the inn with warmth!

You can bring in sales now without having to spend a lot of time doing so. It’s almost the easiest thing you can do because we make it happen. Now is definitely the time to reconnect with content rich newsletters.

The i Love Inns newsletter team will help you get results to build visibility and drive future sales.

Try our $500 special – 4 beautiful newsletters including all the technical stuff.

What Lucy Wrote


Usually we have our Barrel Tasting weekends at wineries in March but this year the 2nd weekend didn’t happen. We’d like to offer you our own version of “Futures!”

Save For Your Future Trip – We are offering our guests a way to save for your future trip and help us with much needed cash flow during these unusual times. Camellia Inn Futures are Gift Certificates purchased during the next 90 days at a 20% discount.

Buy a $100 gift certificate for only $80.

Take this opportunity to lock in some savings – we’ll be having some great promotions when we re-open.


I Need Your Help To Sell More Gift Certificates To My Guests


7 Things Email Newsletters Include

7 Things Email Newsletters Include

1. Creative custom design just for your brand

2. Copywriting & editing services.

3 Cleaning your list of duplicates and emails that don’t work

4. Best practices applied to the sending

5. 24/7/365 web based email performance reporting portal.

6. Photos optimized for fast loading

7. Free postings of the newsletter to Facebook and Twitter