12 Innkeeper Perspectives Shared, Please Don’t Close Maine, Viral Velocity Scenarios

Former Innkeeper Makes a Pitch for Opening Maine

Survey Question: Is Anything Working to Sustain Your Future? In answer to the above survey question posed to innkeepers on May 5: 35% of innkeepers reported that absolutely nothing was working 13% of innkeepers reported that they have no mortgage. The majority of innkeepers are hopeful and employing everything they can think of to keep […]

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Take The Re-Open and Economic Recovery Survey, Skywalker Ranch B&B, Existing SBA Loans

Take This Re-Open and Economic Survey

Take This Re-Open and Economic Survey Here’s our new survey: The Inn Business Re-Open and Economic Recovery Survey The anonymity of I Love Inns surveys allows innkeepers to answer with more candid and valid answers. Be as honest as possible with your answers. This is of great value in the current situation and will help all […]

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Small Business Loans for Bed & Breakfasts – SBA Pays the First 6 Months, Rose Petal Ice Cream!

New SBA 7 Loan Adapted with 6 Months of No Payments. If you are struggling with a loan of $500,000 or more this loan newly adapted to the current economic stress allows for 6 months forbearance. SPECIAL NEWS FROM Small Business Administration As part of SBA’s debt relief efforts, If you refinance from a high-interest conventional/commercial/private/lease purchase […]

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Coming Soon! Your Own Freedom!!! Road Trip

Innkeepers Have Missed You So Much!! Everyday for the last six weeks we have been getting emails from innkeepers around the United States telling us how much they miss their guests. And yet they are busy, busy, busy! They are busy cleaning every nook and cranny, and setting up the latest new sanitizing procedures They […]

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InnTouch – Breakfast Survey Results! Inns Share Their Re-Open Plans for Breakfast


Survey Results – Innkeepers’ New Plans for Managing Breakfast Last week, April 20-24, innkeepers took the I Love Inns Breakfast Plan Survey. Almost all innkeepers have organized a new way of doing things in their individual inns. Less than 1% plan to serve a buffet breakfast. A hand-full of inns were still operating – mostly serving health […]

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